Safety Precautions for Returning to the Gym


Many people are eager to return to their regular schedule and exercise between the quarantine periods. However, the fitness industry has taken a significant hit from the COVID-19 pandemic. With new information uncovered each day, some people might wonder whether it's truly safe to return to gyms for their fitness needs.

In this article, we'll list some safety measures to consider for those who plan on attending a gym soon.

Stay home if you're sick or at risk

If experiencing symptoms of the virus, such as a fever, cough, or nausea, it's best to stay safe and refrain from going to the gym. An actively sick person poses a direct hazard to their environment, especially since the virus is easily transmitted. People with an increased risk of contracting the virus, such as the elderly or healthcare workers, should also avoid going to a high-traffic place like a gym.

Use your own gear

A gym bag can pack more items than one might think. Towels, mats, and a dedicated water bottle can be all the average person needs when working out. The gym bag can be left in the car to mitigate the risk of transmitting the virus from shared gym surfaces into the home. Additionally, have separate gym shoes and clothes to keep the transmission rate as low as possible.

Follow social distancing guidelines

While gyms may experience high-traffic, be vigilant in maintaining the recommended social distance at all times. It may decrease efficiency, but keeping a distance of six feet or more to other gym-goers is the best way to limit exposure and lower transmission risk. Most gyms will limit the number of people inside the building to facilitate this distance further, so pay attention to the new regulations.

Don't use an N95 mask

According to the latest information, cloth masks won't restrict the flow of oxygen or cause heavier breathing in normal circumstances. On the other hand, N95 masks can increase body CO2 levels during strenuous activities. N95 masks are not recommended and are mostly encouraged for high-risk healthcare personnel. Wearing a cloth mask while exercising might feel constricting but poses no major health concerns while working out. A visor might be preferred while doing challenging exercises to alleviate any breathing difficulties.

Sanitize the area and don't touch your face

Most gyms will be vigilant in wiping down the most commonly used equipment and performing frequent gym sanitization when possible. However, it's still best to personally sanitize the equipment before and after use to keep some peace of mind. Using disinfection wipes will usually suffice. While utilizing the gym equipment, avoid touching the face or tinkering with the mask, as most viruses and bacteria spread through needless face-touching.

Avoid showers and lockers

Showers and locker rooms are the most high-traffic areas of the gym. The humid atmosphere of the showers is hazardous due to the increased risk of virus transmission. If you plan on using a gym, it might be a better idea to shower at home.

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