Wheelchair Clinic Phoenix Arizona


Wheelchair Evaluation Phoenix.

We pride ourselves on attention to detail during our wheelchair evaluation process. A thorough mat-based and wheelchair evaluation are performed to identify appropriate seating, positioning and wheelchair equipment required by our clients. At Touchstone, we take the extra step of insuring that you, the client, have the opportunity to trial seating and positioning equipment and wheelchair options to insure we have identified the best seating and wheelchair products for your needs. We utilize our extensive inventory of trial seating equipment during the evaluation process and coordinate with the wheelchair vendor to supply wheelchair trials. We are also available to guide the fitting process and provide training in use of your new mobility equipment.

Exercise and Recreation Equipment:

Clients can also be evaluated for exercise and recreational equipment to promote fitness and optimal function.


Equipment we use:

Turner Pro Patient Transfer System

The Turner Pro is the ideal patient transfer device that facilitates patient transfers between seating positions. Easy to use and provides a safer transfer for the patient and caregiver.