The Value of Physical Therapy
A physical therapist focuses on improving the body’s ability to function and move painlessly after an injurY.
Physical therapy involves the study and treatment of the musculoskeletal system, with therapists focusing on a patient’s ability to move through their day smoothly and without pain. Per the Mayo Clinic, physical therapy can reduce pain, improve or restore function and mobility, reduce the need for long-term prescription medication use and surgery, prevent reinjury, maximize physical ability, and extend independent living.
Read on to learn more about physical therapy and its enormous benefits to people in pain.
What is physical therapy?
A physical therapist focuses on improving the body’s ability to function and move painlessly after an injury, limb loss, neurological damage from stroke or Parkinson’s Disease, spinal cord injuries, or pain and mobility loss from arthritis or age-related concerns.
With treatment, the patient’s quality of life should improve as the main aim is to help a patient attain the highest movement level to allow them to lead an unrestricted life.
What happens during physical therapy
During the initial consultation, the physiotherapist evaluates injuries or symptoms. Then, they develop a plan to help the patient reach specified goals. The therapist offers support to help the patient lead a healthy and active lifestyle, guiding patients through various activities, from stretching and balance work to stationary bicycles and resistance exercises.
What to expect
Physical therapy care requires multiple visits determined by the severity of the rehabilitation needed and extends as long as needed for the patient to recover mobility. The therapist evaluates progress and achievable goals along the way and changes the exercises and strategies as the patient meets their individual goals. The patient also has a role, as many exercises may be performed at home between visits. By focusing on the exercises at home, patients can reduce their pain more quickly and increase their mobility within a shorter time frame.
A physician referral or prescription may not be needed
Patients require a referral or prescription for physical therapy in all but 18 states. Fortunately, Arizona is one of those states in which a referral or prescription is unnecessary, a sensible solution because many folks are already acutely intimate with their bodily pain. So, there is no need to visit their physician to understand that their carpal tunnel syndrome has flared up again, for example, before seeking physical therapy to control the pain.
Choosing the specialist to visit
A physical therapist provides the treatment needed to restore mobility for any other mobility concerns related to injury, limb loss, or neurological injuries.
The best way to know what kind of therapy is required is to talk to a specialist. Typically, the professional will conduct a thorough evaluation before making any recommendations. Each case is different, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.
The best kind of physical therapist is one with a high level of expertise and definitive solutions and one with whom a patient feels comfortable. When the therapist establishes a level of trust with their patients, they can work toward the best outcome for the patient together.